Stage: 4. Project implementation
Implementing Authority
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania
Partnership form
25 years
Private investment
EUR 14 million (incl. VAT)
Partner selection form
Open Procedure
Private partner
UAB "Santariškių parkavimo paslaugos"
Contract signature date
2017 04 20
The date of full entry into force of the contract
Transmitted activities
Car park design, construction, operation, current and overhaul, system installation, operation and maintenance.
To develop the parking infrastructure in Santariskes medical campus, in order to meet the demands for the accessibility of the health care services. The parking would be more easy to access for the patients, working conditions would improve for specialists and traffic conditions would become safer.
Area: Public transport infrastructure
About the project
- Summary PPP Risk Assessement for inclusion in the national financial statement. (606.1 KB )